Monday, July 7, 2008

Pushed Back Vacation Plans and New Cars

Well it's Monday morning and we should be on our way to Minneapolis for a few days of fun with the kids. But Mother Nature threw us a curve ball in the form of a fault. We were within 1,300 feet of finishing up this well and ran into problems.

We are drilling in a formation which is sandwhiched in between two shale formations. We try to stay in a "Target" zone within this sandwhiched formation and we have to stay out of the shale because the shale will collapse in and you then have more expense to maintain production. With only 1,300' left to drill we ran into the lower shale. CRAP! We spent about four days trying to get back to drilling ahead again and it has been painfully slow. I hate to speculate on how many more days we have left of drilling but I really want to tell Beth to go ahead and make reservations at a hotel. Oh well, we'll just take it as it is thrown at us. I have been gone from home for 27 days now but I got to spend one night with Beth and the kids while on a short casing break.

We've been so blessed with this job. Beth gets to stay home. We can pay ALL of our bills and still put money into savings and a retirment. For the first time ever we both have NEW CARS. Beth drives a Hyundai VeraCruz and I drive a Nissan Titan. The best part of having two new cars is that my company gives me a vehicle allowance which more than covers my truck payment and they still pay mileage. It's a win-win situation for us, two new cars and only one payment. We know we're really lucky and it's a really strange feeling after living so tight for so long.