Thursday, October 9, 2008

Just Checked the Weather for the Weekend

Pretty Nice Weather expected over the weekend. Beth and the kids are in Bismarck which is in the 1-2 in. Band. The rig where I'm at is in the 4-6 in. band. This time of year the snow is usually really heavy and wet and makes a muddy mess as it melts. Should be pretty funny this weekend as I have a trainee working with me from East TX. He's already been asking if he needs a ski mask and thermal underwear. Not yet my friend, not yet. It's only October, it may snow and it may blow like hell, but the temps will stay above 0 for another month.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

It'll stay above 0 for another month or so?!!!! I don't know how you do it, my friend....There is no way in hell that I could handle it. Hope you, Beth, and the kiddos don't get too cold!! Take care!

BTW, Terry works as a plant operator at an amine plant for EnCana Oil & Gas. He's done everything from field operator to PSM Coordinator to supervisor...Well, you get the point :) He's been in the oil & gas business basically since high school. Thanks for the comments on the place....We're working our butts off and finally seeing progress....plenty more to be done, but nice to see it coming on.